All transcripts and diplomas are ordered through parchment.

STEP 1: Set-Up Your Account

  • Click on the unique ILEA Parchment link above
  • Create your student account
  • Look for your email from Parchment
  • Verify your Parchment account
  • Log into your Parchment account
College-Bound Athletes

STEP 2: Order Documents

  • Once your email is verified, log into your account and request your transcript or diploma from ILEA
  • Order electronic, paper, or both
  • Remember that unofficial transcripts can be downloaded from your dashboard

STEP 3: ILEA Review

  • ILEA staff will be sent the request. We will review the request, clean up the records, sign the documents, and upload the documents into the Parchment portal in the order they are received. If you have an urgent request, please note that you can pay ILEA a rush fee. Rush fees do not affect Parchment processing times. Contact us to find out more about adding that charge.
College-Bound Athletes

STEP 4: Receive Documents

  • Once ILEA staff uploads your documents, Parchment will release electronic forms immediately. Paper documents are processed within 2–6 weeks by Parchment depending on their orders and seasonality. 
  • Electronic documents: 7–10 business days
  • Paper documents: 4–6 weeks

Transcript and Diploma FAQ

Please note important information regarding ordering transcripts and diplomas from Parchment. Delays in processing time might occur if additional documentation, forms, time of year or alumni approval is needed


  • Payment  for transcripts and diplomas is directly through Parchment. Any payment issues must be sent to Parchment support.


  • Only official transcripts and diplomas can be ordered from Parchment. 
  • Paper copies of transcripts and diplomas have additional Parchment processing and shipping time in addition to ILEA’s processing time.  Please allow 2–6 weeks for Parchment processing time. Electronic copies should be sent directly to the receiving institution.  If opened prior, the receiving institution may deem them as unofficial transcripts.


  • If you are looking for unofficial transcripts please log into your student dashboard.
  • Once logged in, click on View Transcript, and download!


  • If there is an issue with your Parchment Order or checking on shipping status, please reach out to Parchment Support.

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