Our Commitment

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

ILEA is committed to protecting student information. ILEA staff will ask callers information pertaining to the authenticity of the individual calling. Please be prepared to answer information about the student such as name, date of birth, email, courses, and address.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.

FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children’s education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level. Students to whom the rights have transferred are “eligible students.”

Please visit Ed.gov for more information on FERPA.

Diversity and Inclusivity

Diversity and inclusivity strengthen our team, enrich our lives, and help us better serve our students with materials in which they not only see themselves reflected but also learn about diverse peoples, cultures, experiences, and perspectives. Our products support practices like Universal Design for Learning – where each learner’s unique learning journey is valued.

Our Curriculum Development Principles

We are committed to creating equitable educational experiences that help all students become academically successful, independent learners and that reflect the diversity of our users. These DEI principles form the foundation of all of our products.


Create products reflective of our users so that students see themselves, their family members, and their communities in the content.

  • Incorporate people, groups, and events that reflect the broad range of society.
  • Make a focused effort to include people and groups who have traditionally been less visible.
  • Ensure that this inclusion is shown throughout products and curricula rather than being relegated to specific units or lessons.


Show people and groups the way they want to be shown.

  • Ensure that names, cultural representations, and terminology are accurate.
  • Show a wide range of individuals in both traditional and non-traditional roles.
  • Ensure representation of diverse body types, ages, and abilities.
  • Show a variety of groups in positions of power, knowledge, and authority.


Include a diversity of perspectives to create complete and accurate materials.

  • Include the experiences and viewpoints of all groups relevant to a topic or event.
  • Help students understand the contexts and impacts of what they are learning.
  • Let people and groups speak for themselves.


Create content that is fact-based and that encourages students to use their critical-thinking skills.

  • Present information — such as historical events, social movements, and scientific discoveries — objectively.
  • Don’t tell students what to think. Let them use their critical-thinking skills to draw conclusions and reflect as much as possible.
  • Remain free from instructional bias.

Students Can Access Learning Their Way

Different Representation for Various Needs

At Imagine Learning, we use multiple means of representation for our explicitly taught content (i.e., visual, auditory, and tactile), allowing students with special needs to utilize their strongest learning modality during lessons. Examples of our multiple sensory modes of learning include animation, peer-to-peer video, recordings, highlighting of words during modeled reading, and music.

Technology to Enable All Students

Our learning environments provide a safe, engaging, one-on-one learning educational experience for each student. Students have multiple means of reaction and expression because of the digital nature of our solutions, allowing them to use technology to access instruction.

In-Depth Resources to Meet Student Needs

Support the Needs of Diverse Learners

We support educators who work to meet the needs of diverse learners including, English learners, special education, and gifted students.

Our supports include addressing multiple learning styles, accommodations for assessments, video captions/transcripts, read-aloud and translation tools, and many other features. We employ the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework to ensure curriculum is flexible enough to address learner variability.

Our developers provide students with multiple means of:

  • Content representation
  • Expressing learned content
  • Engagement with content

A Library of Learning Support for English Learners

Depending on the program, we support English learners and students who need accommodations with adaptive assessments and instruction, first-language support, explanations of abstract concepts, and instructive feedback.

Student Support

Additional Supports

Repeated reading, clickable vocabulary for definitions, highlighting, visual cues, graphic organizers, directions with pictures, ability to repeat instructions and videos, and reading environments for highlighting, annotations, and other reading supports

Additional Tools for Educators

We continually enhance our digital platforms to ensure accessibility for all learners and make every effort to comply with 504 and COPPA requirements. Accessibility features include alt tags, color contrast, navigation, audio support, transcripts, and many other features.

Authentic language is provided in Imagine Español with bilingual support in other programs, including translation in multiple languages.

In most products, gifted students can advance to higher level work, enriching their learning beyond their actual grade level.

Our Imagine Illustrative Math, Imagine EL Education, and Twig Science are NIMAS compliant.


Let’s Get Started

Are you ready to join ILEA? We’re excited to meet you and help you achieve your goals.

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